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"Get Hooked on Indiana"

Scup (Porgy) Comments

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User: anglerman13
Comment: catch alot of these,... get in the way when trying to catch bigger fish
Date: 06/05/12 07:22 AM

User: catfish_polak
Comment: not much a fighter but good eating
Date: 04/10/11 07:11 PM

User: spidercrab
Comment: where there's one there's many. the local party boats would go out in buzzards bay and you'd catch a ton. i believe the limit was 100 fish per person. that's since been reduced. damn near fish em to extinction. get pretty big too. dinner plate size. seaworms will keep them biting. i like the rainbow effect their scales produce. or maybe that's from all the beer i drank that day :-)
Date: 02/22/11 01:27 AM

User: daddyp
Comment: These fish are awesome to catch. You can go easy with a 1 hook drop shot or make things interesting with 2 or 3 hooks. I've even tried them on light tackle. If you know how to cook and bone them they're a great fish even for people who don't normally care for fish.
Date: 09/04/10 04:31 PM

User: bullshark
Comment: They're great bluefish bait
Date: 08/13/09 07:50 AM

User: diggadave24
Comment: I like catching them too. I have a buddy who gets so mad when were tubing and they eat the sandworms. I say a fish is a fish just getting out on the water is fun.
Date: 03/29/09 12:18 PM

User: tracylnelson72
Comment: fun to catch
Date: 04/19/08 12:28 PM

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