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Dogshark Comments

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User: troutboy2901
Comment: i got bit by one while swimming i was about in 4 foot deep water standing and i saw it swimming around me then ow it bit me
Date: 08/02/12 08:26 AM

User: anglerman17
Comment: nice fighting fish
Date: 05/12/12 08:54 AM

User: spidercrab
Comment: these guys are nothing but a pain in the ass. they fight pretty good though. they have a tendency to spin around on your line fouling up your stuff pretty bad. usually catch these dopes while bottom fishing with large pogie chucks looking for stripers or blues. caught one upwards of six feet though. watch that damn tail spike though. it'll hack you up pretty bad!
Date: 02/22/11 01:20 AM

User: protacanthopterix
Comment: I spent some time fishing in Scotland last year and found out that much of the "fish and chips" being served was prepared with dogfish flesh. They are supposed to be easy to clean (gut, decapitate, skin) and prepare (bread, bake). No bones to worry over, flesh falls from the cartilage. I'm looking forward to targeting them this upcoming season.
Date: 02/21/11 04:04 PM

User: napa
Comment: Yea dogfish arent a good sign for your day of fishing
Date: 08/12/09 12:54 PM

User: bullshark
Comment: They are fun to catch until you've caught about 10 of them and nothing else.
Date: 08/04/09 02:59 PM

User: bigjim
Comment: Pure trash fish. When these are around they will make it difficult for you to catch anything else.
Date: 03/10/09 07:27 PM

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